Subscription Box Review: Ipsy September 2017 

So, I re-subscribed to ipsy. I did it largely because I need new makeup and I didn’t have the time or patience (or money) to go pick it out myself.  This was my first month since resubscribing.  It was a good month to resubscribe. I really like the bag and liked most of the items … Continue reading Subscription Box Review: Ipsy September 2017 

Candy Review: Project 7 Seasonal Edition: “Pumpkin Spice Delight” Gourmet Gum 

Project 7 gum is sugar free. It’s sweetened with xylitol. I am not the biggest fan of artificial sweeteners. I sometimes have bad digestive reactions to it. Since this is gum and not something I swallow, I figured it was safe enough, though.  It tastes vaguely pumpkin pie like. It has an artificial flavor for … Continue reading Candy Review: Project 7 Seasonal Edition: “Pumpkin Spice Delight” Gourmet Gum